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Name Rate Date Change: 1 Day day1 day5 day30 month3 month6 year1 year2
S&P 500 4,746.00 2024-01-08 1.43% 1.43% -1.55% 2.09% 9.38% 7.89% 23.29% 4.32%
Dow Jones 37,684.00 2024-01-08 0.59% 0.59% -0.59% 3.40% 12.68% 12.66% 14.45% 8.31%
Russell 2000 1,967.30 2024-01-08 1.80% 1.80% -3.72% 4.21% 12.53% 6.38% 11.68% -6.89%